NEW this week

Get Rubí Chiroso HERE

Rubí Chiroso IV | Colombia, anaerobic washed

Plus two single-origin coffees as espressos:

COE #22 Peru Llaqtapata ESPRESSO

El Mirador Junguilla Geisha ESPRESSO

// Please see our new shipping page for shipping details here //

Our coffees are at their peak 3 to 4 weeks after roasting. Let fresh roasts "rest" for optimal cups, or select resting coffees from prior roast dates to get you there sooner — availability is limited!

Orders of green coffee, goods, or roasted coffees "resting" from prior roast dates will ship by the next business day. Any orders with coffees in an "upcoming roast" will queue for that roast date.

New Offerings

Scott Rao has been in the coffee business for 30 years as a cafe owner, roaster, consultant, and author. The Coffee Roaster’s Companion and Coffee Roasting: Best Practices have influenced a generation of roasters and shaped the global roasting vocabulary and conversation. Thousands of roasters worldwide have attended Scott's seminars and worked with him as a private consultant. Scott’s popular Instagram account @whereisscottrao offers expert-level tips and discussion about coffee brewing and roasting.

Mark Benedetto is a trained chef who gave up cooking and cafe management to move to a career in coffee roasting. After passing the Q-Grader exam, Mark started Last Stand Coffee in San Francisco in 2017, specializing in roasting for SF tech offices. Mark has assisted Scott in his roast consulting and numerous other projects, including sample roasting for Facsimile Coffee in 2020–2021.